A Beginner’s Guide to Advocacy in Albania

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A Beginner’s Guide to Advocacy in Albania is an instructive guide to policy advocacy initiatives. Public policy experts at Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development have drafted this guide targeting a wide audience with both the professionals and non-professionals in mind. This includes new think tanks and research institutes, NGOs, academics, associations, coalitions or interest groups, but also individuals, policy analysts and government advisors. In short, every individual or organization, that wishes to influence the policymaking process in Albania or in the international arena, may use this guide as a starter on how to raise an issue for public debate, how to make an impact on a current policy or how to join efforts to bring about desired change in their area of interest.

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Sipas ligjit per mbrojtjen civile, bashkite kane nje rol shume te rendesishem ne menaxhimin e fatkeqesive dhe ne reduktimin e riskut te tyre.

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