The Response of Local Governments during the Covid-19 Emergency in Albania: January 2020 – April 2020

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Following the series of thematic studies we have shared during this period of uncertainties relating to COVID-19, Co-PLAN, the Institute for Habitat Development in cooperation with the Association of Local Autonomy, are pleased to share the study ‘The Response of Local Governments during the Covid-19 Emergency in Albania: January 2020 – April 2020”.

This study builds on a questionnaire addressed to all municipalities in the country during April, to gather information on the current and future role of public and non-public actors at the local level, to address the crisis that accompanies COVID-19 pandemic, including the challenges these actors face and their needs.

The results and in-depth analyses of this study aim to influence policy-making and the decentralization process in addressing crises, to help strengthen the civil protection system at the local level, and to advocate on behalf of local government for the role and needs of local actors in crisis management. You can download the study available in the English language here: Local_Level_Response_COVID19_062020.

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Sipas ligjit per mbrojtjen civile, bashkite kane nje rol shume te rendesishem ne menaxhimin e fatkeqesive dhe ne reduktimin e riskut te tyre.

A mendoni se bashkia juaj i menaxhon me efikasitet fatkeqësitë në territorin e saj?